Meet Kenny and Katlyn Navarro, they have been serving at ZION Church since 2012, and becoming Lead Pastor in 2023. They bring a wealth of experience, compassion, and a deep love for God’s Word. With a heart for ministry and a passion for guiding others in their spiritual journey, Pastor Kenny and his wife are dedicated to creating a supportive and inspiring environment for all. In addition to delivering impactful sermons, they enjoy connecting with members of the congregation, participating in community outreach, and leading various church initiatives. Outside of church, they love spending time with their four children, and furthering their education. Kenny has his Associates in Leadership and Ministry and is currently working on his Bachelors in Apologetics with a minor in Counseling at Carolina College of Biblical Studies. He strongly believe’s this will enrich their ministry. They can’t wait to meet you and see how they can help grow your relationship with Jesus!